APEMIP: 6412 / AMI: 21325


In the ever-evolving real estate market, many things have changed and the way to sell real estate is no exception. By comparing the sale in the "old days" with the current one, we can identify significant differences. However, there is one factor that remains a crucial element: the importance of the real estate consultant. 


In this article, we will explore three conclusive items that highlight the relevance of this professional in the sales process.


✔ Experience and knowledge of the market: In the past, the sale of real estate was done mainly through advertisements and billboards. Today, with the advent of technology, the search for real estate occurs largely through the internet. In this scenario, having an experienced real estate consultant is essential. These professionals have an in-depth knowledge of the local market, know how to correctly assess the value of a property and have the ability to negotiate to get the best possible price.


✔ Access to a network of potential buyers: With the advancement of the Internet, the exposure of the real estate sector has become global. A real estate consultant has access to a network of potential buyers, built up over time. This network can be extremely valuable in reaching qualified stakeholders and speeding up the selling process. By relying on a consultant, you increase the chances of finding the right buyer for your property.


✔ Support throughout the sale process: The sale of a property involves several steps, from the initial evaluation to the signing of the contract. During this process, there are legal issues, complex negotiations and the need to deal with bureaucracy. A real estate consultant is prepared to guide you through all these steps, ensuring the legal certainty of the transaction and making the process as smooth as possible. Having someone with experience by your side is a significant differentiator in selling real estate these days.


✔ Effective marketing strategies: In the past, real estate advertising was limited to ads in newspapers and billboards. Currently, a real estate consultant uses a variety of marketing strategies to promote their property. From creating online ads to using social media, they know how to reach a larger, more targeted audience. These digital marketing tactics can make all the difference in the visibility and interest generated by your property.


In conclusion, the sale of a property is today a different process than it was in the past. Technology and changes in consumer behavior have made the presence of a real estate consultant essential. Your knowledge, your network, your support throughout the process and your effective marketing strategies are the elements that can make the sale a success. Trust the guidance of a real estate consultant and take advantage of all the advantages that it can offer in the current market.


🏡 Are you thinking of selling a property? The ComprarCasa Porto Paranhos team is here to help you every step of the way. We have a proven track record of success in selling real estate, and we can help you sell it at the best price, with as little hassle as possible and in the most effective way. 

Don't wait any longer to take control of your future. Contact us today and find out how we can help you sell your property.


Contact us now: 📞 (+351) 224 021 246


 We look forward to working with you! 🤝


📍 We are located at Rua de Vale Formoso, n.º 112, Porto, Portugal.

📱 Telephones: (+351) 224 021 246 / (+351) 912 103 269